Transcript accuracy: a cautionary tale

transcription accuracy data

Have you ever had to type your own produced interviews and recordings? If so, you’ll probably know how arduous it can be! That’s exactly why you want a professional, right? We have specialised trustworthy transcription software and tools to enable us to transcribe your recordings effectively.

But how do you make sure you are actually capturing all of the speech accurately and therefore all of the important information (data) you need that’s crucial to your projects?

It can be so easy for things to literally get lost in translation. Kind of like a game of telephone.

It takes a whole lot of skill and concentration to transcribe an audio recording properly. We choose only the best and brightest for handling our transcription projects. Over the last 12 years, we’ve curated a highly experienced team who don’t just type, but really listen, and aim to understand what you are saying. (It helps that they are an erudite bunch that we’re sure could definitely qualify for Mensa!)

How do we ensure we know what you are talking about?
Our team have extensive backgrounds in fields such as legal, medical, property and finance before becoming expert freelance transcribers. This means they’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge about industry terminology, patterns of speech, accents, and a thorough all-round general knowledge and appreciation for what is required.

In our 12 years of service provision to date, we’ve produced transcripts on a vast range of topics. Obviously, we might not be as expert as you are in topics such as textile design or the health of honey bees, for example, but we can pick the general gist of a subject up very quickly (such is our expert versatility, if we say do so ourselves!) Aside from our adaptability to become attuned to varied subject matter, we are also experts in effective researching and will always ensure to research correctly from reputable and relevant sources whenever we need to. You’re also welcome to provide us with a crib sheet or vocab doc containing a list of commonly used words or phrases that might crop up on the recordings. We will always work with you closely to ensure total accuracy – we never simply take a guess at something we don’t profess to know!

Have you ever received a transcript and it contains random words that are most definitely not what was said, and apart from anything else are totally irrelevant to the subject matter? This is poor, both in terms of the original staff member’s expertise when transcribing the file, but also the fact that no one has ran it through a quality control process is concerning. This all equates to you potentially losing important data. Unfortunately, this happens all too often in the transcription industry in what we like to call the ‘conveyor belt approach’, where companies take on the recordings, no questions asked, and churn them out with no finesse.

If content from your project is not produced accurately and you have no way go go back and reference it easily to correct errors (i.e. there are no timestamps or you no longer have the original recording) then it makes the process painstaking or impossible.

I recently undertook a 10-week intensive course in data science and it helped me to deepen my understanding further of just how important capturing data is to clients.

Want to know more about extracting data from your transcripts? Get in touch with us for a breakdown of various methods that you can use depending on what level of data you are looking to extract.

The data you extract might be basic or extensive and far-reaching. You may need the data in the short-term of you might want to preserve or add to it for years to come. Don’t make the mistake of using a service that doesn’t want to take the time to commit to caring for your project as much as you do.

Find out more in our article here about things to consider when choosing the right service – or why not just ask us directly how we can help! Contact us here.