Sending work to us is easy and secure

Our secure and confidential service make us a top choice for individuals and businesses looking for support with general typing, transcription and admin tasks. We regularly assist solicitors/legal professionals, medical professionals, expert witnesses, property consultants, HR consultants, researchers, authors, students, charities, small businesses – and many more. 

We can assist with tasks such as:
There is no contract – contact us as and when you need support. Our service can assist you during busy times, on an ad hoc or more permanent basis – whatever you need! 

Established in 2011 and with a trusted and highly experienced strictly UK-based transcriber team, we are specialists in transcription across multiple sectors – to include difficult accents or poor sound quality. All work is thoroughly researched and proofread at no extra cost

Pricing is simple and efficient: you only pay for the time you use. Our charging rate is simple, so you know how much everything will cost upfront.  

Quality control

Formally qualified to carry out editing and proofreading, we ensure your work is completed to a professional standard.

All transcripts are thoroughly proofed prior to sending back to our clients at no extra cost.



We understand the importance of your work and that it may be sensitive/high-profile or confidential.

We are registered under the Data Protection Act (Reg. No. ZA059377) and adhere to GDPR. 

Our team are UK-based, have signed our Confidentiality Agreement and work only from a dedicated encrypted and password-protected drive.

We can password protect your work when returning it to you.

Our workflow is managed through secure systems. We do not store or share information. Full information on our systems will be provided to you.  

Copies of our ICO registration document, confidentiality policies, staff Confidentiality Agreements, and professional indemnity insurance certificates are available on request.

We are happy to review and sign any NDA, Confidentiality Agreements, or Article 28 Data Processing Agreements you may have.